Arnold Arboretum Photo Project
On June 29, 2006 we started a project to document the changeing landscape in three areas of the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.

Area 1: Pond
This is the first pond you walk by when entering the Arboretum at the Forest Hills Gate enterance. The photo is taken at the corner of the pond looking down the path towards the Hunnewell Visitor Center.

Area 2: Cattail Swamp
Near the visitor center, down the dirt path that follows the Arborway, we come to a cattail swamp. In 2005, the cattails were large and plentiful, so we thought we'd try to capture their growth in 2006. Unfortunately the 2006 season didn't provide very exciting growth.

Area 3: Path Portrait
Here, about mid-way down the same path as above, we stopped to take a group portrait once a week.

Area 1: Pond
Click to view

Area 2: Cattails
Click to view

Area 3: Path Portrait
Click to view